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Gifs are Fun

Hello random reader. You must be extremely bored to come to us/me. Either that or I forced you to read this. Sorry for not posting anything. Everyone didn't have time and/or forgot the email to the website. I should be working on my homework, but well, I'm procrastinating as always. Wait, I should say that instead of writing this, I should be doing my...

Eh he he. Ah, sorry. Found out that you can add gifs to posts so yeah. Expect a lot of gifs. Anyways, I'll be rambling about whatever and maybe add a fanfic snippet at the end.

First off, what's your opinion on the 80-40 schedule? Personally, I dislike it and at the same time, like it. It's great and all for projects during the 80 minutes. The 40 minutes is just the weird part. There's not a lot of time to do anything. Yes, it's the amount of time during Encore, but you learn little during Encore.

Second off, I feel like this gif:

is me whenever I see any of my ships being adorable and/or one of my friends interact with their crush and that this gif:

is me when I find out about people trying to break up my ships. Don't do it, man. Don't do it.

Thirdly, I just realized that this is a filler post. Yay. Fun. Words.

Fourthly, I wanna say I love you guys. Yep. That's not weird at all.

Fifthly, if anyone wants to know what's going on with anything involving social drama, my reply is this:

I know as much as you, which is nothing. I've been thrown out of the loop and I don't really care anymore if I know who your crush is.


Wait, Caitlin 'I-feed-off-social-drama' Mamaril doesn't care about social drama?

Yes, I've changed. Plus, there's not really a lot of drama yet, so what's the point?

But that doesn't mean I won't enjoy it. I just won't go out of my way to find it and find everything about that particular love triangle.

Sixthly, I lied about adding a fanfic snippet. I haven't written anything, really, so there isn't anything to add on to here.

Well, I better get working again. Until whenever I write again...

P.S - My favorite gifs:

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