Band Problems (& Pros)
Bolded Comments by Gabriella
1) The teachers are very strict.
2) The baritones never pay attention.
3) The other people (see Orchestra Problems) spell clarinet, claranet when there is an i not a!!!!!
4) We always have to play, no breaks.
5) We HAVE to practice.
6) We have work that we have to do at home.
7) The Saxophones are terrible.
8)Being forced to go to a concert.
9) We are punished as a group not individual.
11) Our face hurts.
12) After a while the clarinets and saxs' can hardly move their mouths.
13) Maditory after school practices.
14) Forgetting you music for a test.
15) Not having a pencil.
16) Being called band scum.
17) The percussionists barely get to play because of how bad the rest of the band play. (No offense, rest of the band.)
18) (For crash cymbals) Awkardly standing there because you don't know what to do for twenty three measures of extended rests.
19) (For crash cymbals) Getting to know how to use them by the teacher demonstrating but instead ending up being deaf for the rest of the day.
20) Breaking your reed on the day of a playing test
21) Knowing that you are going to be late because you spill your folder all over the floor
22) Forgetting your instument
23) Lending someone money to buy a reed then realizing it was for you
24) Having such a big room everything is spread out
25) Moving back after a playing test
26) Having the actions of the other band members count aginst you
27) Not selling all the chocolate you have to
28) The chairs that make your hair get stuck in the screws
29) Finding someone elses folder in your spot
30) When you share a cubbie and your instument is in the back
31) The sound of a stand falling over.
32) When you try to play like a trumpet.
33) When you can't hear the bass drum.
34) Knowing that the fifth graders are going to act like you next year.
35) Being attacked for chocolate.
36) Sitting directly in front of Ms.Begley.
37) Your reed breaking in the middle of a song.
38) Missing afternoon rehersal.
39) Being late to a concert.
40) Forgetting your coat for the assesment.
41) Orchesta beating you.
42) Sam plays the trumpet and gives him something to whack us with.
43) Lots of the jocks are in it.
44) Having Mr. Mcmillin conduct your band and dying because of his dance moves.
45) Having madatory concerts
46) Jake has trouble carrying his case.
1) We have room for everything. Because orchestra doesn't have a big enough room!
2) We can leave our stuff at school and we can find it the next day.
3) I can fit my clarinet easily in my locker. Is this written by Aneesha? I feel like it's written by Aneesha.... And violins and violas fit in our lockers! (barely)
4) You have better chances of being in parades (that are cool)
5) We win every year. So do we!
6) We are awesome.
7) We don't waste time making 200 problems
8) Liam isn't in it. Don't bring Liam into this... Bobby and Sam are in band....