Olympian Problems
See Us Fail
1) Jachaela will never happen
2) Mr. Owen won't tell us how many questions are on the 9 weeks final.
3)Sarah Clark is too obsessed with Harry Styles and Jason.
4) Our homework is your homework to the power of 10.
5) When you walk into Mr. Owen's room and he hasn't cleaned the rat cage.
6) When your social studies teacher has hair down to his shoulders and a beard.
7) Forgetting to do Khan Academy/Compass Learning on snow days.
8) Trying to explain ships to other teams.
9) Comparing everything to homework.
10) When the only teams you're on are Math Team and Academic Team.
11) When you only play one instrument and all of your other friends play two.
12) Creating survival guides for everything.
13) Making lists for everything.
14) The orchestra and band feud.
15) Categorizing people into social groups.
16) Cassie Jennings.
17) Post-it note unicorn horns.
18) Narwhals vs. Unicorns.
19) Having too many inside jokes.
20) Talking about 3rd/4th/5th grade and people who weren't there ask what you mean.
21) 9+10 DOESN'T EQUAL 21.
22) Trying to find out who Candy Cane is.
23) Getting obsessed with things too easily.
24) Wanting to live in a fictional universe.
25) Nerdy pick-up lines.
26) Ryan's worm dance.
27) Caitlin's fanfics.
28) Having more drama than drama class and drama club combined.
29) Mist
30) Carrot
31) Birds
32) Firetruck
33) 64
35) 6:29 and a half
37) Mountain range
38) Crack
39) NEVQ
40) Having older siblings and constantly hearing, "Oh, yeah, you're [Insert Older Sibling's Name Here]'s brother/sister. I remember them..."
41) Chair tilting.
42) Having honorary Olympians.
43) Glitter.
44) Parker-Ann's obsession with purple.
45) When you start to overthink simple things.
46) When you take off your shoes for a project and never want to put them back on.
47) Giving imaginary awards to people.
48) When you can hear fangirl screams from across the hall.
49) Wanting to get good grades but not wanting to study.
50) Getting a B and screaming, "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
51) Having to explain the difference between nerds, geeks, and dorks
52) Feeling the joy of getting all of your homework done only to remember that you have a project due the next day.
53) Having multiple projects due on the same day.
54) Knowing that the sixth grade Olympians have more ships than the Pirates of the Caribbean.
55) Jokes about ships.
56) When folded up pieces of paper begin to remind you of Caitlin's fanfics.
57) When you get jealous of the other teams' lockers because they're closer to Encore classes
58) When Caitlin starts to create theories
59) Trying to hug Gabriella but getting punched by her instead
60) When people expect you to grow up and find a cure for cancer but you can't even find yesterday's homework.
61) Being called an encyclopedia by your parents because you know random stuff.
62) Wondering how some people got onto the Olympian team.
63) Knowing that we have the awesomest teachers.
64) Math team's obsession with 64 going so far that we can't even use the number in a phrase without snickering.
65) High expectations.
66) "You're such a huge nerd."
"Thank you!"
67) When Mr. Turner has grammatical errors on his rubrics and you begin to twitch anxiously.
68) People who call Olympians nerds, yet 4/9 of the sixth grade jock population comes from the Olympians.
69) Being really precise about fractional amounts.
70) Correcting teachers.
71) Trying to document all of JoonWoo's different facial expressions.
72) Having a scale of trustworthiness based on the sea level scale...
73) Having a debate on how to say Tartarus (Tar-tar-us or Tart-ar-us)
74) Realizing you have been spending too much time around certain middle school boys when everything sounds and looks wrong
75) Wanting to ask teachers if they know what shipping is
76) Ship wars
77) Dealing with hardcore fangirls
78) Knowing that Raden will never happen
79) Team Davis or Team Bobby? (Not my fault...Alex came up with it)
80) Randomly fangirling during The Hobbit
81) Randomly fangirling during class
82) Looking like a flailing seal when you fangirl
83) When you know who's who in Caitlin's fanfics
84) Being too hardcore
85) When you start to think about next year's sixth graders...Will they be more insane?
86) "But approximation is for wimps, Ms. Rowland.." -Gabriella
87) The things we say.
88) Knowing that the Olympian team is just the team for all the 'special' people. And not the good kind of special.
89) Knowing that there are three portals to Narnia at TCMS: Sonny's locker, Mr. Turner's wardrobe/cabinet, and Mr. Owen's wardrobe/cabinet.
90) Reaching Joonwoo face number 23.
91) Being book smart but not street smart.
92) That one spelling mistake your friends will never let you forget. *cough* Joey *cough* sandwich *cough*
93) Remembering that Who-ageddon didn't happen because of *cough*Bobby, Ainsley, and Ellis *cough*
94) When you want to enjoy a movie based off a book, but you keep screaming, "THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN!"
95) One of the reasons you get in trouble is because you were reading a book beneath the desk.
96) Getting too hyped up for the Chicago Field Trip that you can't sleep the night before
97) When Caitlin promises that she'll pay you back in fanfics
98) When someone accidentally mentions something and when you ask about it, they freeze up and say, "Nothing..."
99) We got 99 problems and not having recess is one.
100) When a certain someone *cough*CAITLIN*cough* knows your secret/who your crush is.
101) The Book of Pain and Suffering (a.k.a Who-Likes-Who book)
102) Trying to keep track of all of the Olympian inside jokes.
103) When someone *cough* Lexie *cough* says, "Olympian swag," and you wonder if they've ever met any Olympians.
104) Realizing how many pictures Mrs. Rowland has on Twitter with you in them that you didn't know about and starting to get really creeped out. Seriously though, have you seen her Twitter?
105) Caitlin wanting to call everyone by their 'fanfic names.'
106) When you're in Mr. Owen's fourth period science class at lunch and Gabe is rubbing applesauce on his face and people are screaming, "Joey! The white cream of the Oreo is toothpaste!" and randomly yelling and a girl in eighth grade asks, "Were we ever like that?" and you have to say, "No. It's just us. I swear." (True story, by the way...)
107) Trying to go about your normal life but accidentally drowning in fandoms and ships that your friends drag you into.
108) Wondering if any of the teachers ever pick up any student gossip and talk about it like,
"Hey, did you hear? [Insert Olympian name here] has a crush on [Insert other Olympian name here] but they have a crush on [Insert non-Olympian's name here]"
"Really? That's nice..."
109) Trying to escape the drama but end up finding yourself clinging to a sinking ship that almost no one ships anymore as you watch your friend's crush ask out their crush on a dare and then your friend is flipping out and your friend's crush's best friend is celebrating and that person is your crush (it sounds complicated, but it does happen)
110) Binge watching a show and then remembering you have homework
111) The true enemy is procastination. Not war. It's procastination. WE MUST FIGHT IT!
112) When you realize that 3 days and 2 nights in Chicago created so many inside jokes and drama that it's more than two years worth of first semester Bollis drama and fourth grade inside jokes.
113) When Truth or Dare becomes the unofficial game of Olympians
114) Explaining the Society to non-Olympians
115) When you see the 8th grade Olympians' Instagram and you both want to scream and smile.
116) When you realize that the 8th grade Olympians know about this website...
117) 8th grade Olympians trying to show up 6th grade...
118) Beloved book characters dying
119) When you flip out when you see a wild non-Olympian in an Olympian Selfie
120) When the whole Olympic Society is just made up of evil/insane/awesome geniuses (teachers included)
121) Staying up til midnight doing homework while taking many breaks to watch YouTube, read a YA book, and/or listen to music
122) Hilarious MadLibs
123) When you are talking about something gossipy with a friend out loud and then the teacher appears like a ninja behind you and you hope they didn't hear what you two were talking about
124) Really wanting to be best friends with some of your teachers
125) This:
126) Cringing when you hear/see your/people's egg container drop
127) When you know Olympians will never be anything but loud
128) When you spot two Olympians chasing each other and running around the gym and you know it's either because of a dare, the chaser is angry, or they're running to a friend.
129) Rock climbing at the mini cliff
131) When other teams drive you insane because of the constant talking as you try to learn, the never-ending gossip you don't give a crap about, and the annoying chattering in your ear as you try to do your work
132) When everyone is plotting against you and you go insane trying to find out what the plan is
133) When the Social Studies room becomes a war room where everyone starts declaring war on each other
134) When everyone who is declaring war starts yelling and screaming that they have epic weapons and those who aren't is just looking down and whispering that they are a 'peaceful country'...
135) When Caitlin regrets asking Mr. Turner out loud if they could declare war
136) Freaking out because of the suspense of waiting for your grade to get posted
137) Wondering if there is any sane Olympians
138) When Alex and Caitlin make paper crowns and claim that they're royalty
139) When Caitlin gets giddy with power and is obsessing over her paper crown
140) Mr. Dino becomes the unofficial mascot of Olympians
141) When you scream "Ca Caw!" as you throw a paper bird at someone
142) Explaining what a Show Pony is to a Show Pony
143) When Caitlin says Flip instead of Frick
144) Too much Harry Potter
145) The Suprise Party
146) When a whole section of Olympians during a Power Day scream on the top of their lungs while pointing to someone to pick
147) Gabriella's willingness to do a dare, no matter what it is.
148) When Benjamin Webster beleives his "Godzilla Robot" can seize control of the Earth, and realize he wants to establish world peace by killing everyone
149) Liam's Rocket... Enough said...
150) People's new obsession with Rubix Cubes
151) When Liam goes to a dance-off on a Power Day...
152)When someone doesn't mention your cyborg penguins and polar bears... *cough*Ben Guan*cough* Shame...
153) When Mrs. French starts shipping people during Creek Time and people are pointing at people and yelling, "Who would they go out with?"
154) Disney Jr. Gang vs Nick Jr. Squad.
155) KPREP is too easy, but you get the feeling that you're going to severely mess up.
156) Missing your 2nd family dearly...
157) When people claim you suck at sports...(Hey, it's hard being a jerd)
158) When your fellow fangirl is heartbroken and you havee no idea on what to do.
159) When NO ONE outside your team gets your Lord of the Rings/Hobbit references...
160) Mr. Bruce ( bus monitor)
161) When you accidently convince the bus monitor that your first name is Nya and your last name is Sha, AND that your friend's name is Tiffany. (Thanks a lot Nyahsha :) -Tharanie
162) Realizing that Mr. Turner has an Instagram and has seen the olympicsociety.
163) When you find typos on this list.
164) When everyone's moving over the summer and everything's falling apart and you know 7th grade is so going to be different
165) Finding out that Davis was a jerd before.
166) When you realize in the beginning of the school year, you didn't expect that you would miss and love those weirdos you call friends.
167) Having a habit of saying furnds/fernds instead of friends.
168) When your rewards day just mainly consists of shipping your friends, playing Truth or Dare, avoiding people who are trying to pair you up with someone, and when you don't avoid those certain people, complaining about (and secretly liking) them shipping you with your crush...
169) When Olympians are mostly always willing to maim someone for each other, but are not always willing to cry with each other...
170) Writing fanfics during summer because you have no one to text since everyone's on vacation...
171) Summer reading.
172) When your first expectation of middle school didn't involve fictional universes created by classmates, drama involving a certain egotistical drama king, so many secrets and truth or dare games, and weirdos who are flawed, but can be loved...
173) All the feels in these problems...
174) Joey came in on a flying rock. Yep. He came in on a flying rock and into our hearts. :P
175) Tube tops will never be the same and will never not be funny... "...Tube top thingy. And it was way too small for him." -PA
176) Braces are slowly taking over the Team
177) Not being entirely sure if there's going to be Math Team and wondering what you're going to do on Thursday...
178) When someone messes up your group's project and it causes someone want to kill that person, another to break down in angry/frustrated silent tears, the person who messed it up to get scolded/disparaged (even if he knows all too well that he's always the problem), and another holding the person crying in their arms.
179) When one of your best friends wants to kick your crush where it hurts, decapitate that person, and burn the remains.
180) When everything overwhelms you and everything feels like too much and you just want to restarts and just hide
181) When Mrs. Adams pulls a 'mom' on you
183) The ficverse being on the brink of collapsing
185) When you overhear one of the Olympian teachers talking about how weird Olympians are
186) When the Olympian teachers know the secrets of students *strained laughter*
188) The Whip and Nae-Nae gym assignment
189) Gabriella betting, and losing
190) The Butt
191) Non-Olympian crushes
192) Not being able to take Power Day selfie because of reasons
193) When your teachers know how Olympians actually act
194) Getting out of the spelling bee on the first round and messing up the mini bee so you have an F in acheivement right after Winter Break
195) Olympians Against Humanity
196) 'An egotistical Bobby' card
197) 'Deez nuts!' card
198) Mrs. Gonzalez knowing about Olympians Against Humanity
199) Getting Park Bench banned from Mrs. Schmidt's room
200) Not wanting to go home bcause you got a B or a C in a certain class and knowing your parents will kill you
201) Everyone having higher expectations for you
202) Being glad that some of your teachers understand the stress you're under because you're an Olympian
203) When basically everyone forgets the password or email and hasn't updated this website in forever
204) When your laptop lags when you edit because of the amount of problems on this list
205) Disecting cow eyes and enjoying it
206) Stealing chromebooks by accident
207) When your ships break up over the summer and no one tells you until you just started to ship it
208) Not remembering certain events when you edit so you don't know what to add
209) Hating the 80-40 schedule
210) Refusing to use your locker because it's too far away from anywhere
211) LoTF
212) Wanting to climb the lockers and scream "HARDCORE PARKOUR!" at the top of your lungs
213) Somehow managing to get through school on only three hours of sleep
214) Not understanding why lunch is so early
215) Both missing and not missing people who have left the Team
216) Losing interest in stuff because you don't have time to be interested
217) Getting hyped for a hypothetical party that might not happen
218) Bobby in a dress
219) Bobby and Ainsley waltzing
220) Slowly hating someone who you used to liked and slowly liking someone you used to hate
221) Still being awake at 2am because you worry about everything that could and will happen the next day
222) Having a petting hair kink *looks at Caitlin*
223) Shouting Cheesecake Sampler whenever Mr. Turner walks in
224) Being in a heated argument about whether Asa Butterfield is pretty or not as soon as Mr. Turner walks in
225) Screaming into your friend's shoulder when you're frustrated
226) Freaking about the spelling bee
227) When your friend don't appreciate The Little Prince (which is 11/10)
228) Skipping some gymnastics stuff because nope, you aren't good at that and no one living will see you do that
229) Hurting yourself in spoons
230) Paying your phone to play spoons
231) Getting out of the first round of spoons
232) Watching people who make fun of Minecraft play Minecraft during Rewards Day and just silently judging them
233) Hiding your full zip from Mrs. Christ so you don't die