Bored in Class...
We've all been there. Whether its math, science, language arts or social studies, you are bored at one point in your life, and all too often it's in your school day. All these classes are awesome, but boredom follows wandering minds wherever you go. There are multiple things that could possibly happen, and teachers have different strategies of getting you back up.
You are dosing off, as Mr. Owen is talking about physics and Newton and what not. You're eyelids are extremely heavy. It's not a boring lesson, its just that you were up until 1 doing your homework, and you don't want to pay attention. Everything usually goes well at this point. Until Mr. Owen decides to mess with your brain.
Mr. Owen: Tharanie!
Me: Ugh!!
Mr. Owen: Come up here, and put your hand on the stool.
Me: *shakes head vigorously, walks up, puts hand on stool*
Mr. Owen: Which hurts more, if I throw a rock at your hand, or a foam ball.
Me: I have no idea.
Mr. Owen: *throws the ball*
Me: Umm... Ow?
Mr. Owen: What about the rock? Just kidding, I would never do that, but it would hurt. Even though I throw the things at the same velocity,... blah blah blah.
Me: *walks back in a daze*
Social Studies
Its been a hard day, and you endured your other classes bravely but now need to make it through social studies. Nerds may be smart, (though lacking in common sense) but there is only a certain amount fingers can take when note-taking. You lay your head down for a little bit, and go into a daze, thinking about Doctor Who, or maybe you are trying to communicate with a friend from across the room with only your eyes, but they won't look in your direction! Calling them stupid, and other variations of language under your breath, you glance at the board relizing you are WAY behind in your notes. "WAIT I'M NOT DONE!!" you say loudly, fumbling with your pencil. The rest is history. You and your writing hand's history.
You are suposed to be taking notes, but instead you are doodling trees, fanfics, problem lists, whatever you prefer. Its getting hard to focus, so you sometimes wonder if you have ADHD. Wait...Isn't that a sign of being a demigod!?! Getting further off track, you start staring off into space, or smiling like an idiot. Soon enough, a Quick Quiz is headed your way, and you didn't pay attention the day before. Whoops.
There is not much to say about boredom in this class. If your mind wanders for a second, you may end up in a uncomfortable spot.
Mrs. French: Everyone get out your DOL's.
You: *thinking* Why is life so complicated? Why are DOL's a thing? Why am I in school? Wait... Is that a Tardis?
Mrs. French: *Points to you with a evil glint in her eye* What is the suboordinating conjunction in this sentence...
You: Ugh........... *Goes on for a few minutes*
Automatic humiliation. Either automatic humiliation, or automatic F. Thats what happens when you decide that class is for chumps, and boredom takes over.