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The Creators of This Weirdness

"Look! It's a lone, maybe demented, teddy bear! Let's go hug it!" 

Warning: This page is UNDER CONSTRUCTION! It will NEVER, EVER be finished due to the startling amount of people who helped create this. We will continue to add on as more people help us.


First of all, there's a lot of us. If you thought that this website was made purely by one person, think again. Sure, Gabriella made the main infastructure and pages, but many things were the works of others, including the quotes and pictures.


We are nerds, we are geeks, we are quiet, we are loud, we are the creators. Oh and want to be one of us? Click that button!

Caitlin Mamaril
Is a professional fangirl, and 'doesn't do calm.' She is part of multiple book fandoms (The Mortal Instruments, Heroes of Olympus, etc.) and is very very clumsy. Best known for her infamous fanfics, she spends much of her time shipping people and writing. Along with many Olympians, she is both part of math and academic team. Caitlin is in Orchestra, which is taught by Mr. Spragens, and takes very much pride in that. Sometimes annoying, but usually cool, Caitlin manages to annoy the crap out of and entertain everyone with her fanfics.
Gabriella Staykova

Is a professional dementor and deatheater, who annoys the souls out of people. At thirteen years old, she is an eigth grader on the Olympian team and is enjoying being a part of math, academic, and the archery team. She plays basketball, soccer, and she swims. Calling herself a jerd (jock & a nerd), Gabriella is one of the best writers that anyone can know and is very sarcastic. 

You can contact her at:

A/N: Gabriella didn't write that, surprisingly. Only the dementor part, the age, and the athletics... The rest was Caitlin.




Tharanie Subramaniam
Can be usually found with a book, multiple drawings of trees (and Slendermen) she drew herself, and is quite protective of them. With horses, books and art as some of her favorite things, Tharanie is an awesome friend who will never let you down, a mathlete who wants to join AT, and an excellent swimmer who is too majestic. Though she was not the original creator, she is one of the main editors.
Mary Huffman

Known The Queen of Sarcasm, Cassie Jennings, or Murray Huffperson, she always has a lot of inside jokes she *used* to share with Caitlin. She's a Girl Scout, a robotics nerd, trout-doors member/trout gaurdian, and wants to be anywhere else, but is stuck in drama. Always full of epicness and sarcasm (hence her nickname #1), Mary is one of the shortest, but weirdest Olympians out there, who's still the Unicorn Queen and has witty comebacks. Do expect awesomeness from her.


Joseph "Joey/Jojo Beans" Ilagan

Is a math enthusiast with a love for books, origami, video games, swimming, badminton, and well, math. 13 years old and whatever height he is, Joey is one of the youngest (and shortest) kids around. He participates in Math and Academic Team, plays the cello in the School and CKYO Orchestra, and swims year-around for the Pinnacle Pirates and LEXD Dolphins swim teams. He is currently an editor for the Olympic Society and regularly edits the Orchestra Problems page. 

Nicholas "Nick" Clevenger
Claudia Markel (Skip)

Obviously proud of her horse, this girl is one galloping Olympian. Her sassy comments and status in Math Team may be some of the most Claudia-like things about her. We all know she'll grow up to be a horseback-riding talk-show host. This "jerd" of sorts might be found cleaning stalls or organizing her locker.

Tiyan Duan

Is most commonly known for his sarcastic nature and former anger problems. However, he is also the bad-guy turned good-guy who can usually be found reading his manga and playing Gangster Vegas on his I-Pad Mini. Being a Marvel geek, sarcasm enthusiast, and "jerd" all show that T-DOOM is not your typical nerd. By the way, he is nicknamed 'T-DOOM' after his Minecraft account and prefers to be called that on here..

Gabriel  "Gabe" Gatsos
Aneesha Edwards
Nyasha Musoni
Arik "Erk Bern" Baron
Lauren Hurt
Angela "Angie" Wang
Hannah Botts
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